Frequently Asked Questions

1.  What is a Group in Optevo?

A Group consists of individuals known as Members who collaborate regularly and participate in various WorkPods or projects. It is possible for an individual to be a Member of one Group or multiple Groups. The responsibility of inviting people to join a Group lies with the Group Admin.

You can create separate Groups for different aspects of your organization, such as the Organization, Sales, and Customer Service. The organization-wide Group includes all team members, while the Sales and Customer Service Groups consist of individuals with specific roles in those departments.

Switching between Groups is a simple process, and each Group has its dedicated dashboard for smooth navigation and management.

2.  What is a WorkPod?

A WorkPod serves to structure individuals around particular objectives, initiatives, or projects. It enables swift communication through comments, file sharing, and task assignments related to the specific objective, ensuring that everyone stays informed and aligned.

3. Are there different levels of Group permission?

There are two levels of Group permissions:

A note about Guests: Guests have restricted access and can only participate within specific WorkPods they have been added to. The Group Admin has the option to "promote" a Guest to a Member, but the Guest role is designed to allow someone to join a collaboration without granting them full access to the entire Group.

4. Are there different levels of WorkPod permission?

There are three levels of WorkPod permissions:

5. What’s on my Dashboard?

Your dashboard showcases active WorkPods, automatically organized based on activity within each Pod. Additionally, the dashboard features helpful widgets such as "Recent Activity" and "Tasks & To-Dos". These widgets keep you informed with real-time updates on happenings within your Group. They provide direct links to the latest information, allowing you to stay on top of everything at a glance.

For every Group you are a Member of, you have a dashboard containing the following quick access features dedicated to that Group:

This setup ensures efficient communication, easy access to your files, the ability to jot down important notes, and straightforward management of your personal profile and settings.

6. What happens when I add a Guest to a WorkPod?

If the Guest already has an Optevo account, they will see the WorkPod appear in their “My Guest Pods” Group. If the Guest does not have an Optevo account, they are invited to register for a Free Optevo account. Upon registration, the Guest will see the WorkPod appear.

7. As a Member, will I see when my Guest has registered?

Yes! Each WorkPod has a Participants tab that automatically updates itself when a Guest creates an account.